By reading this Privacy Policy, the user is hereby informed about the ways in which GREEN IBÉRICA-Agentes Maritimos, Comercio e Transportes, Lda. collects, processes and protects the personal data that is provided to it through the Website (hereinafter, the “Website”).


Owner: GREEN IBÉRICA-Agentes Maritimos, Comercio e Transportes, Lda. (hereinafter “GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL).
Registered office: AV. MARQUES DE TOMAR, 2-6 ESQ. CP 1069-188, LISBOA
Data Protection Officer e-mail:


Users are not required to disclose any personal information when they visit the Website, except for certain features that depend on the use of cookies, as explained in the Cookie Policy.

However, user access to or use of some of the Website services or functionalities does require them to provide certain personal data, as indicated in the corresponding forms, and therefore implies the processing by GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL of this data, for the purposes of and on the grounds of legitimacy as indicated below:


If the user sends any queries, questions or comments through the “CONTACT” section of the Website, GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL will process the data requested in the contact form (name, telephone number and e-mail address), as well as any other data that the user voluntarily provides us with through this channel, or by telephone or e-mail.

The purpose of processing personal data is to respond to requests, queries, proposals or complaints sent by the user through the form, on the basis of their consent, as well as to send them advertising should they also give their consent to do so.

Unless expressly mentioned, all the fields included in the contact form are necessary for the purposes described. If the user does not provide the compulsory data indicated on the form, GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL will not be able to process the request.

The data will be processed until such time as the user withdraws their consent. The user will be able to withdraw their consent at any time and free of charge, although this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out.

To withdraw their consent, the user should contact GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL by e-mail at

In addition, GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL will only share this personal data with third parties when necessary in order to comply with legal obligations.

The provision of services by certain suppliers to GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL may require them to access data for which GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL is responsible. GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL will ensure at all times that the third parties it works with must comply with the applicable regulations and that, in no case, shall they process the data for purposes other than those indicated by GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL.


If the user accesses the “WORK WITH US” section of the Website and clicks on the button “Find out more about our job vacancies”, this will open up our job portal, which the user can access in two different ways:

  • i) Through their Net-Empregos or Emprego.Sapo, profile, by clicking on the corresponding link. This implies that their personal, contact, academic, employment and any other details included in their CV or in their Net-Empregos or Emprego.Sapo, profile will be disclosed to GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL.
  • ii) By creating an account with GRUPO ROMEU MULTISERVICES, S.L., which requires the user to fill in and send a form that includes their full name, e-mail address and ID number. Unless expressly mentioned, completion of all the fields included in the form is required to process the registration, so that if the user does not complete them, GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL will not be able to process their request.

In both cases, the purpose of processing this data is to receive and appraise applications in relation to any existing job vacancies, and, where appropriate, to start the corresponding selection process, on the basis of users’ consent.

User data will be processed during the selection process and afterwards, for as long as it can be deemed relevant and up to date, unless this consent is withdrawn. The user will be able to withdraw their consent at any time and free of charge, although this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out.
To withdraw their consent, the user should contact GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL by e-mail at

Should the user express an interest in any of the job offers published on the portal, GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL will disclose their personal data to the group company advertising the job offer, should it not be a GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL vacancy. In addition, GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL will only share this personal data with third parties when necessary in order to comply with legal obligations.
The provision of services by certain suppliers to GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL may require them to access data that GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL is responsible for. GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL will ensure at all times that the third parties it works with comply with the applicable regulations and that, in no case, shall they process the data for purposes other than those indicated by GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL.


The user:

  • confirms that they are over 16 years of age and that the data that they provide to GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL is true, accurate, comprehensive and updated. To this effect, the user is responsible for the truthfulness of all the data they provide and shall ensure that the information supplied is suitably updated, so that it corresponds to their real current situation.
  • confirms that, should they provide information about third parties, they have notified them of the contents of this document. Likewise, they certify that they have obtained their express authorisation to provide this third-party data to GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL for the aforementioned purposes.
  • shall be accountable for any false or inaccurate information that they provide through the Website and for any direct or indirect damage that this may cause to GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL or to third parties, as the case may be.


The user may send a letter to one of the addresses (postal or electronic) indicated in the heading of this policy with the reference “Data Protection”, suitably proving their identity, at any time and free of charge, so as to:

  • Withdraw their granted consent.
  • Access their personal data.
  • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.
  • Request the deletion of their data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Ask GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL to limit the processing of their data when any of the conditions set out in the regulations are met.
  • Request the portability of their data.
  • Likewise, if the user considers that any of the rights conferred by the applicable data protection regulations have been breached by GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL, they may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL shall process the user’s data in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.
To this end, GREEN IBERICA PORTUGAL shall adopt the necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the protection of the data in their possession and to prevent any alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access to it, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which it is exposed.

Last updated: 28 October 2020.
© GREEN IBÉRICA-Agentes Maritimos, Comercio e Transportes, Lda. All rights reserved.