We Are Still Here to Take Your Cargo!

The moments we are currently experiencing are quite troubled. We were forced to change habits, to adapt to a new and strange reality. It won’t be forever, nor will it be for much longer! – we hope.

In any case, being confined to our homes did not end Green Ibérica’s mission: transport your cargoes as far as the seas reach – and even beyond!

At a time of adaptations, and although we continue with our usual services using new methodologies, we also ask for your collaboration. If you don’t do it yet, we ask you to also adapt your processes and make maximum use of the technology we have been providing for some time now.

Through our e-commerce platform, ShipmentLink, you have access to several features that you can use and, thus, streamline processes, perform actions and obtain information.

At ShipmentLink you can perform several actions, of which we highlight:

You also have access to various information relevant for your shipment, such as:

In the same way, and considering the risk posed by the circulation of physical documents, we also request that you only ask the issue of originals as a last resort.

Let’s all work for the common good!

For any further information, get in touch with us.

Air Cargo Transport Doesn’t Stop!

The limitations raised by the pandemic COVID-19 are widely known, especially with regard to air cargo transportation. In a period of state of emergency, felt a little (or a lot) around the world, travel was drastically limited, leaving many airlines on the ground, and with them passengers and, in large part, cargo.

But it is not this virus that will stop us! Naturally experiencing greater difficulties in transporting goods by air, with some of the companies limiting – or even suspending – flights to and from Portugal, we went looking for ways to continue to serve our customers.

With this, we continue to have represented companies flying to several places of the world, among which:

  • Africa
  • North America
  • South America
  • Asia and the Pacific
  • Middle East

Find available destinations by clicking on our represented:

At a time when uncertainty dominates world trade, it is with some naturalness that we assume the possibility of adjustments and adaptations in the air cargo agendas and destinations above. Even so, we believe we are able to serve you with the best options that the market currently offers.

Green Ibérica’s Contingency Plan

As you may know, and like most Portuguese companies where this practice is possible, Green Ibérica has its contingency plan active, with the minimum essential services working in our facilities. This does not mean, in any way, that we reduce the demand or the quality of our service, on the contrary!

Fortunately, there are several technological tools on the market today that allow us to continue our work without limitations, and even with more alternatives! In contacts, for example, we are now available to answer via Microsoft Teams, or by the usual direct phones of each one in the company, which you can find HERE.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us!